In my professional life so far, i have had the pleasure of building up knowledge and experience in various areas and the following stand out as particular fields of interest:


Negotiations & Joint Venture Management

The theory and practice of negotiations are a fascinating aspect of business and life in general.  Whether it is in the formal setting of a contract negotiation, the permanent state of governance negotiations in a joint venture or the everyday negotiations between departments in the office, they are a great source of professional enjoyment.  I have had the opportunity to be involved or leading in a number of contract negotiations in the the business development arena, in asset transactions, contract disputes and in joint venture governance.


(New) Energy

Having worked in the natural gas sector for most of my career, i have a solid understanding of the challenges in the energy space. I am very supportive of the drive towards cleaner energy sources and at the same time have an understanding of the cost, technical challenge and the size of the problem ahead of us. I don't have 'the answer', but do believe that both long-term significant changes in energy supply and short and medium term (small) improvements are both equally important in rising to the challenge. My interest in this topic focuses on the commercial side of things and on the problem of enabling new and transitional technologies to start up economically, while not harming the reliability of the energy supply (while it relies on 'old' technologies) and while keeping the cost low enough so that energy does not become a luxury product.